10 Edition – Wings to Fly – Inauguration & Teachers Training

Amma Maligai Rippon Building, Chennau

10th Edition of  Wings to Fly - Inauguration & Teachers TrainingDay & Date: Friday, 2nd August 2024. Venue: Amma Malaigai - Behind Rippon Building Time: 09.300 am to 12.30 pm  Rtn. Divya SiddharthDirector-Youth Services Ann. Sudha Raghuram Chairperson - Wings to Fly Ann. Haritha NalluruCo-Chairperson - Wings to FlyThose who are unable to join the physical meeting please Join us on Zoom Platformhttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/6012020208?pwd=ekZSdjREU016dkJXbkVMNEc3QjZsdz09 Meeting ID: 601 202 0208Passcode:  rcme1985